1. Build Instructions for shoulder-platform
  2. ====================================================
  3. (1) Prerequisites
  4. JDK 1.8+ is required in order to compile and run shoulder-platform.
  5. shoulder-platform utilizes Maven as a distribution management and packaging tool. Version 3.0.3 or later is required.
  6. Maven installation and configuration instructions can be found here:
  8. (2) Run test cases
  9. This project contains several sub projects, external pom.xml It is only used for unified packaging,
  10. so the run / test needs to be tested in a specific project.
  11. (3) Import projects to Eclipse IDE
  12. First, generate eclipse project files:
  13. $ mvn -U eclipse:eclipse
  14. Then, import to eclipse by specifying the root directory of the project via:
  15. [File] > [Import] > [Existing Projects into Workspace].
  16. (4) Build distribution packages
  17. Execute the following command in order to build the tar.gz packages and install JAR into local repository:
  18. #build shoulder-platform
  19. $ mvn -Prelease -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean install -U
  20. #############################################################################
  21. shoulder-platform 构建说明
  22. ====================================================
  23. (1) 前提
  24. 为了编译和运行 shoulder-platform,需要 JDK 1.8+。
  25. shoulder-platform 使用 Maven 作为分发管理和打包工具。需要3.0.3或更高版本。
  26. Maven安装和配置说明如下:
  28. (2) 运行测试用例
  29. 本项目包含多个子项目,外部 pom.xml 仅用于统一打包,因此运行/测试需要进入特定的工程中测试。
  30. (3) 将项目导入Eclipse IDE
  31. 首先,生成eclipse项目文件:
  32. $ mvn -U eclipse:eclipse
  33. 然后,通过指定项目的根目录导入到eclipse,方式如下:
  34. [File] > [Import] > [Existing Projects into Workspace]
  35. (4) 生成成果物包
  36. 执行以下命令打包并将JAR安装到本地maven仓库库中:
  37. # 跳过测试、清理、安装;强制更新 SNAPSHOT、如果是 release 则不更新
  38. $ mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean install -U