en.yml 15 KB

  1. home:
  2. categories:
  3. newestTools: Newest tools
  4. favoriteTools: 'Your favorite tools'
  5. allTools: 'All the tools'
  6. subtitle: 'Handy tools for developers'
  7. toggleMenu: 'Toggle menu'
  8. home: Home
  9. uiLib: 'UI Lib'
  10. support: 'Support IT-Tools development'
  11. buyMeACoffee: 'Buy me a coffee'
  12. follow:
  13. title: 'You like it-tools?'
  14. p1: 'Give us a star on'
  15. githubRepository: 'IT-Tools GitHub repository'
  16. p2: 'or follow us on'
  17. twitterAccount: 'IT-Tools Twitter account'
  18. thankYou: 'Thank you!'
  19. nav:
  20. github: 'GitHub repository'
  21. githubRepository: 'IT-Tools GitHub repository'
  22. twitter: 'Twitter account'
  23. twitterAccount: 'IT Tools Twitter account'
  24. about: 'About IT-Tools'
  25. aboutLabel: 'About'
  26. darkMode: 'Dark mode'
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  28. mode: 'Toggle dark/light mode'
  29. about:
  30. content: >
  31. # About IT-Tools
  32. This wonderful website, made with ❤ by [Corentin Thomasset](https://github.com/CorentinTh) , aggregates useful tools for developer and people working in IT. If you find it useful, please feel free to share it to people you think may find it useful too and don't forget to bookmark it in your shortcut bar!
  33. IT Tools is open-source (under the MIT license) and free, and will always be, but it costs me money to host and renew the domain name. If you want to support my work, and encourage me to add more tools, please consider supporting by [sponsoring me](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/cthmsst).
  34. ## Technologies
  35. IT Tools is made in Vue.js (Vue 3) with the the Naive UI component library and is hosted and continuously deployed by Vercel. Third-party open-source libraries are used in some tools, you may find the complete list in the [package.json](https://github.com/CorentinTh/it-tools/blob/main/package.json) file of the repository.
  36. ## Found a bug? A tool is missing?
  37. If you need a tool that is currently not present here, and you think can be useful, you are welcome to submit a feature request in the [issues section](https://github.com/CorentinTh/it-tools/issues/new/choose) in the GitHub repository.
  38. And if you found a bug, or something doesn't work as expected, please file a bug report in the [issues section](https://github.com/CorentinTh/it-tools/issues/new/choose) in the GitHub repository.
  39. 404:
  40. notFound: '404 Not Found'
  41. sorry: 'Sorry, this page does not seem to exist'
  42. maybe: 'Maybe the cache is doing tricky things, try force-refreshing?'
  43. backHome: 'Back home'
  44. favoriteButton:
  45. remove: 'Remove from favorites'
  46. add: 'Add to favorites'
  47. toolCard:
  48. new: New
  49. search:
  50. label: Search
  51. tools:
  52. categories:
  53. favorite-tools: 'Your favorite tools'
  54. crypto: Crypto
  55. converter: Converter
  56. web: Web
  57. images and videos: 'Images & Videos'
  58. development: Development
  59. network: Network
  60. math: Math
  61. measurement: Measurement
  62. text: Text
  63. data: Data
  64. password-strength-analyser:
  65. title: Password strength analyser
  66. description: Discover the strength of your password with this client-side-only password strength analyser and crack time estimation tool.
  67. chronometer:
  68. title: Chronometer
  69. description: Monitor the duration of a thing. Basically a chronometer with simple chronometer features.
  70. token-generator:
  71. title: Token generator
  72. description: Generate random string with the chars you want, uppercase or lowercase letters, numbers and/or symbols.
  73. uppercase: Uppercase (ABC...)
  74. lowercase: Lowercase (abc...)
  75. numbers: Numbers (123...)
  76. symbols: Symbols (!-;...)
  77. length: Length
  78. tokenPlaceholder: 'The token...'
  79. copied: Token copied to the clipboard
  80. button:
  81. copy: Copy
  82. refresh: Refresh
  83. percentage-calculator:
  84. title: Percentage calculator
  85. description: Easily calculate percentages from a value to another value, or from a percentage to a value.
  86. svg-placeholder-generator:
  87. title: SVG placeholder generator
  88. description: Generate svg images to use as a placeholder in your applications.
  89. json-to-csv:
  90. title: JSON to CSV
  91. description: Convert JSON to CSV with automatic header detection.
  92. camera-recorder:
  93. title: Camera recorder
  94. description: Take a picture or record a video from your webcam or camera.
  95. keycode-info:
  96. title: Keycode info
  97. description: Find the javascript keycode, code, location and modifiers of any pressed key.
  98. emoji-picker:
  99. title: Emoji picker
  100. description: Copy and paste emojis easily and get the unicode and code points value of each emoji.
  101. color-converter:
  102. title: Color converter
  103. description: Convert color between the different formats (hex, rgb, hsl and css name)
  104. bcrypt:
  105. title: Bcrypt
  106. description: Hash and compare text string using bcrypt. Bcrypt is a password-hashing function based on the Blowfish cipher.
  107. crontab-generator:
  108. title: Crontab generator
  109. description: Validate and generate crontab and get the human-readable description of the cron schedule.
  110. http-status-codes:
  111. title: HTTP status codes
  112. description: The list of all HTTP status codes, their name, and their meaning.
  113. sql-prettify:
  114. title: SQL prettify and format
  115. description: Format and prettify your SQL queries online (it supports various SQL dialects).
  116. benchmark-builder:
  117. title: Benchmark builder
  118. description: Easily compare execution time of tasks with this very simple online benchmark builder.
  119. git-memo:
  120. title: Git cheatsheet
  121. description: Git is a decentralized version management software. With this cheatsheet, you will have quick access to the most common git commands.
  122. slugify-string:
  123. title: Slugify string
  124. description: Make a string url, filename and id safe.
  125. encryption:
  126. title: Encrypt / decrypt text
  127. description: Encrypt clear text and decrypt ciphertext using crypto algorithms like AES, TripleDES, Rabbit or RC4.
  128. random-port-generator:
  129. title: Random port generator
  130. description: Generate random port numbers outside of the range of "known" ports (0-1023).
  131. yaml-prettify:
  132. title: YAML prettify and format
  133. description: Prettify your YAML string into a friendly, human-readable format.
  134. eta-calculator:
  135. title: ETA calculator
  136. description: An ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) calculator to determine the approximate end time of a task, for example, the end time and duration of a file download.
  137. roman-numeral-converter:
  138. title: Roman numeral converter
  139. description: Convert Roman numerals to numbers and convert numbers to Roman numerals.
  140. hmac-generator:
  141. title: Hmac generator
  142. description: Computes a hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) using a secret key and your favorite hashing function.
  143. bip39-generator:
  144. title: BIP39 passphrase generator
  145. description: Generate a BIP39 passphrase from an existing or random mnemonic, or get the mnemonic from the passphrase.
  146. base64-file-converter:
  147. title: Base64 file converter
  148. description: Convert a string, file, or image into its base64 representation.
  149. list-converter:
  150. title: List converter
  151. description: This tool can process column-based data and apply various changes (transpose, add prefix and suffix, reverse list, sort list, lowercase values, truncate values) to each row.
  152. base64-string-converter:
  153. title: Base64 string encoder/decoder
  154. description: Simply encode and decode strings into their base64 representation.
  155. toml-to-yaml:
  156. title: TOML to YAML
  157. description: Parse and convert TOML to YAML.
  158. math-evaluator:
  159. title: Math evaluator
  160. description: A calculator for evaluating mathematical expressions. You can use functions like sqrt, cos, sin, abs, etc.
  161. json-to-yaml-converter:
  162. title: JSON to YAML converter
  163. description: Simply convert JSON to YAML with this online live converter.
  164. url-parser:
  165. title: URL parser
  166. description: Parse a URL into its separate constituent parts (protocol, origin, params, port, username-password, ...)
  167. iban-validator-and-parser:
  168. title: IBAN validator and parser
  169. description: Validate and parse IBAN numbers. Check if an IBAN is valid and get the country, BBAN, if it is a QR-IBAN and the IBAN friendly format.
  170. user-agent-parser:
  171. title: User-agent parser
  172. description: Detect and parse Browser, Engine, OS, CPU, and Device type/model from an user-agent string.
  173. numeronym-generator:
  174. title: Numeronym generator
  175. description: A numeronym is a word where a number is used to form an abbreviation. For example, "i18n" is a numeronym of "internationalization" where 18 stands for the number of letters between the first i and the last n in the word.
  176. case-converter:
  177. title: Case converter
  178. description: Transform the case of a string and choose between different formats
  179. html-entities:
  180. title: Escape HTML entities
  181. description: Escape or unescape HTML entities (replace characters like <,>, &, " and \' with their HTML version)
  182. json-prettify:
  183. title: JSON prettify and format
  184. description: Prettify your JSON string into a friendly, human-readable format.
  185. docker-run-to-docker-compose-converter:
  186. title: Docker run to Docker compose converter
  187. description: Transforms "docker run" commands into docker-compose files!
  188. mac-address-lookup:
  189. title: MAC address lookup
  190. description: Find the vendor and manufacturer of a device by its MAC address.
  191. mime-types:
  192. title: MIME types
  193. description: Convert MIME types to file extensions and vice-versa.
  194. toml-to-json:
  195. title: TOML to JSON
  196. description: Parse and convert TOML to JSON.
  197. lorem-ipsum-generator:
  198. title: Lorem ipsum generator
  199. description: Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form of a document or a typeface without relying on meaningful content
  200. qrcode-generator:
  201. title: QR Code generator
  202. description: Generate and download a QR code for a URL (or just plain text), and customize the background and foreground colors.
  203. wifi-qrcode-generator:
  204. title: WiFi QR Code generator
  205. description: Generate and download QR codes for quick connections to WiFi networks.
  206. xml-formatter:
  207. title: XML formatter
  208. description: Prettify your XML string into a friendly, human-readable format.
  209. temperature-converter:
  210. title: Temperature converter
  211. description: Degrees temperature conversions for Kelvin, Celsius, Fahrenheit, Rankine, Delisle, Newton, Réaumur, and Rømer.
  212. chmod-calculator:
  213. title: Chmod calculator
  214. description: Compute your chmod permissions and commands with this online chmod calculator.
  215. rsa-key-pair-generator:
  216. title: RSA key pair generator
  217. description: Generate a new random RSA private and public pem certificate key pair.
  218. html-wysiwyg-editor:
  219. title: HTML WYSIWYG editor
  220. description: Online, feature-rich WYSIWYG HTML editor which generates the source code of the content immediately.
  221. yaml-to-toml:
  222. title: YAML to TOML
  223. description: Parse and convert YAML to TOML.
  224. mac-address-generator:
  225. title: MAC address generator
  226. description: Enter the quantity and prefix. MAC addresses will be generated in your chosen case (uppercase or lowercase)
  227. json-diff:
  228. title: JSON diff
  229. description: Compare two JSON objects and get the differences between them.
  230. jwt-parser:
  231. title: JWT parser
  232. description: Parse and decode your JSON Web Token (jwt) and display its content.
  233. date-converter:
  234. title: Date-time converter
  235. description: Convert date and time into the various different formats
  236. phone-parser-and-formatter:
  237. title: Phone parser and formatter
  238. description: Parse, validate and format phone numbers. Get information about the phone number, like the country code, type, etc.
  239. ipv4-subnet-calculator:
  240. title: IPv4 subnet calculator
  241. description: Parse your IPv4 CIDR blocks and get all the info you need about your subnet.
  242. og-meta-generator:
  243. title: Open graph meta generator
  244. description: Generate open-graph and socials HTML meta tags for your website.
  245. ipv6-ula-generator:
  246. title: IPv6 ULA generator
  247. description: Generate your own local, non-routable IP addresses for your network according to RFC4193.
  248. hash-text:
  249. title: Hash text
  250. description: 'Hash a text string using the function you need : MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA224, SHA512, SHA384, SHA3 or RIPEMD160'
  251. json-to-toml:
  252. title: JSON to TOML
  253. description: Parse and convert JSON to TOML.
  254. device-information:
  255. title: Device information
  256. description: Get information about your current device (screen size, pixel-ratio, user agent, ...)
  257. pdf-signature-checker:
  258. title: PDF signature checker
  259. description: Verify the signatures of a PDF file. A signed PDF file contains one or more signatures that may be used to determine whether the contents of the file have been altered since the file was signed.
  260. json-minify:
  261. title: JSON minify
  262. description: Minify and compress your JSON by removing unnecessary whitespace.
  263. ulid-generator:
  264. title: ULID generator
  265. description: Generate random Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier (ULID).
  266. string-obfuscator:
  267. title: String obfuscator
  268. description: Obfuscate a string (like a secret, an IBAN, or a token) to make it shareable and identifiable without revealing its content.
  269. base-converter:
  270. title: Integer base converter
  271. description: Convert a number between different bases (decimal, hexadecimal, binary, octal, base64, ...)
  272. yaml-to-json-converter:
  273. title: YAML to JSON converter
  274. description: Simply convert YAML to JSON with this online live converter.
  275. uuid-generator:
  276. title: UUIDs generator
  277. description: A Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) is a 128-bit number used to identify information in computer systems. The number of possible UUIDs is 16^32, which is 2^128 or about 3.4x10^38 (which is a lot!).
  278. ipv4-address-converter:
  279. title: IPv4 address converter
  280. description: Convert an IP address into decimal, binary, hexadecimal, or even an IPv6 representation of it.
  281. text-statistics:
  282. title: Text statistics
  283. description: Get information about a text, the number of characters, the number of words, its size in bytes, ...
  284. text-to-nato-alphabet:
  285. title: Text to NATO alphabet
  286. description: Transform text into the NATO phonetic alphabet for oral transmission.
  287. basic-auth-generator:
  288. title: Basic auth generator
  289. description: Generate a base64 basic auth header from a username and password.
  290. text-to-unicode:
  291. title: Text to Unicode
  292. description: Parse and convert text to unicode and vice-versa
  293. ipv4-range-expander:
  294. title: IPv4 range expander
  295. description: Given a start and an end IPv4 address, this tool calculates a valid IPv4 subnet along with its CIDR notation.
  296. text-diff:
  297. title: Text diff
  298. description: Compare two texts and see the differences between them.
  299. otp-generator:
  300. title: OTP code generator
  301. description: Generate and validate time-based OTP (one time password) for multi-factor authentication.
  302. url-encoder:
  303. title: Encode/decode URL-formatted strings
  304. description: Encode text to URL-encoded format (also known as "percent-encoded"), or decode from it.
  305. text-to-binary:
  306. title: Text to ASCII binary
  307. description: Convert text to its ASCII binary representation and vice-versa.