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- %\title{Implementierung des DDEKit-Ansatzes auf Linux}
- %\title{Implementation of the DDEKit approach for Linux.}
- %\title{DDEKit-Linux: improved security and ease of development for Linux user space drivers.}
- \title{Technical Reference}
- \subtitle{Preliminary Version}
- \author{Christopher Bellmann, Thomas Dedek, Stanley F\"orster, \\ Paul Henke, Hendrik Neubert, Hannes Weisbach}
- \publishers{Dresden University of Technology\\
- Department of Computer Science\\
- Institute of Software- and Multimedia-Technology\\
- Software Technology Group\\
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- Address & Telephone: 0351 463 38442 \\
- Department of Computer Science & Fax: 0351 463 38459\\
- Insitute of Software and Multimedia Technology & birgit.demuth@tu-dresden.de\\
- TU Dresden & http://tu-dresden.de\\
- 01062 Dresden & \\
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