# Spring Cloud AWS Samples Samples are prepared to run on LocalStack - a local equivalent of AWS. To start LocalStack locally: ``` $ docker-compose up ``` ## Infrastructure Samples use AWS CDK to create the infrastructure components to run the sample. To deploy infrastructure, you need to install CDK and [CDK local](https://github.com/localstack/aws-cdk-local): ``` $ npm install -g aws-cdk-local aws-cdk ``` Then, in `infrastructure` directory: ``` $ mvn package $ cdklocal bootstrap $ cdklocal deploy ``` ## How to run? Samples are regular Spring Boot applications. The best way to run them is to run the main `@SpringBootApplication` annotated class directly from an IDE. ## How to destroy infrastructure? Infrastructure is destroyed once LocalStack container shuts down. If you want to destroy infrastructure manually, run: ``` $ cdklocal destroy ``` ## How to run against real AWS? To run samples against real AWS, update `spring.cloud.aws` properties in sample's `application.properties` to reflect your AWS configuration or delete these properties completely to use defaults.