.gitignore 445 B

  1. # Ignore folders
  2. target/
  3. /config
  4. /.idea
  5. /out
  6. # Do not ignore them
  7. !.idea/copyright
  8. !.idea/inspectionProfiles
  9. !.idea/scopes
  10. !.idea/codeStyleSettings.xml
  11. !.idea/vcs.xml
  12. # Ignore files
  13. access.properties
  14. mail.properties
  15. *.iml
  16. *.ipr
  17. *.iws
  18. .project
  19. .classpath
  20. .settings/
  21. .vscode/
  22. # Because re-configuring the directory in the share plugin leads to side effect we ignore the file
  23. dependency-reduced-pom.xml
  24. .factorypath
  25. *.versionsBackup
  26. .sdkmanrc